Gateway Hancock Health brings together multiple healthcare services on one conveniently located campus. Our laboratoires et imagerie services are an affordable option for patients with high-deductible health insurance, those without insurance, and anyone interested in saving money on out-of-pocket medical expenses.

Our Services

Soins immédiats

No appointment needed for minor illnesses, flu shots, and sports physicals.

Imagerie diagnostique

Save time and money on MRIs, X-rays, ultrasounds, and more.

Médecine familiale

Primary care at Gateway supports the health and well-being of your whole family.

Laboratoires et projections

Get hospital-quality labs and screenings completed for less money.

Occupational Health

Ensure your team is safe and productive with occupational health services.

Centre des patients

View resources to help you to access our patient portal, pay your bill, or get answers to your questions.


We accept all major insurance plans. If you’re not sure whether your insurance qualifies as “major” or not, we’ll be happy to tell you. Just call  (317) 866-7300 et demande.