Conseils de santé

Breast Health Awareness

septembre 25, 2024

Breast cancer has long been the leading cause of cancer deaths among women, and that’s why we take breast health awareness so seriously. The good news? You’re not a sitting duck when it comes to your health. There are many things you can do to be proactive in maintaining breast health, and October is a great time to make sure you’re in the know. 

Why Breast Health Awareness Matters

Breast health awareness, or, simply noting what is normal for your body, is vitally important to your long-term breast health. When you know what is normal for your body, you will be able to  quickly identify when something is out of the ordinary. 

You can practice breast health awareness anytime, simply by examining your breasts. You can do this at any time, but 7-10 days after your period may give you the most accurate picture of what is normal for you, as breasts can change throughout your menstrual cycle. Visually examine your breasts and note the typical shape, size and structure. Then, use your fingers to gently feel your entire breast from armpit to breastbone, making sure to include the nipple.  

If there’s anything abnormal, make a note and schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. “Abnormal” may include discharge from your nipple, bumps, lumps and sores, or a change in skin color or appearance. If you experience breast pain, this is another factor to follow up on. 

We know the possibility of breast cancer can be really scary, but don’t let breast changes frighten you into assuming the worst. There are other reasons why breasts may change, and your care provider is the best resource to get to the root of the issue. 

In addition to your own monthly breast checks, make it regular practice to have an annual physical and mammogram. If you’ve been told you have dense breasts, then typically an ultrasound of your breasts will be done along with your mammogram to better identify changes in tissue. A breast MRI or Abbreviated Breast MRI (AB-MRI) can detect masses that mammograms may miss. Talk with your care provider about whether this option is right for you. 

Gateway Hancock Health invites you to be proactive about all aspects of your health, including breast health. We offer primary care, AB-MRI and mammograms to help you navigate changes in your breast health.  

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