The holidays are filled with family get-togethers, friend get-togethers, work get-togethers and, well, you get the idea. With so much to celebrate it’s easy to veer off track from normal habits that keep your body and mind healthy. While there’s always room for a celebration (or two or three), implementing some of our top holiday health tips will keep your health in good order so you can be the life of the party — or happily watch from the sidelines — this holiday season!
Support Holiday Health By …
- Reducing Stress
With all the magic the holidays bring, our normal levels of stress can easily snowball. Take a moment to identify the 3-4 things that have the biggest positive impact on you and your family and focus on making those truly meaningful events. If you accomplish other holiday items, consider it an early holiday gift.
- Prioritizing Sleep
We’ve all heard tales of the parents that lose sleep hiding their elf on the shelf or staying up until 4 a.m. wrapping presents on Christmas Eve. If those things are a high priority in your family, make sure you make time for earlier bedtimes later in the week, or schedule a marathon nap the next afternoon.
- Moving Your Body
It’s so easy to go into sloth mode after all the delicious holiday foods, late night chats, and when the weather is frigid. But we know that our bodies keep the score. Grab your crew and toss the ball around, explore a local trail or do a family yoga session in the living room.
- Staying on Top of Hygiene
We know you know, but we’ll say it anyway: Wash your hands and wash them frequently. Consider changing your clothes after being in crowded public spaces and taking your shower at the end of the day instead of the beginning to keep outside germs to a minimum inside your home.
- Getting Your COVID/Flu Shots
We’re not sure who designed it this way, but the flu season so beautifully overlaps with the holiday season. Make sure to get this year’s vaccines at least a few weeks before you’re planning to travel as it takes a bit of time for your body to develop the needed antibodies.
- Hydrating
From hot chocolate to hot toddies, apple cider to champagne, the holidays are filled with beverages that aren’t water. Be sure to enjoy those but remember how important it is to stay hydrated as well. Being dehydrated can affect everything from your skin and hair to your mood and your immune system.
- Consciously Consuming (or Avoiding) Alcohol
Alcohol consumption tends to skyrocket over the holidays, and this can weaken your immune system, leave you feeling far less than 100%. If you’re going to drink, stick to one type of drink per event, have a hard limit (i.e. no more than two drinks per event). Be sure to compensate with extra water and rest.
- Staying Present
The positive effects of gratitude are very real and so attainable. Even when things aren’t perfect you can (almost!) always find something to be grateful for. At Gateway Hancock Health we are so grateful to serve in this wonderful community.