The past few years have been a wild, healthcare ride, and now it’s time to address the five crucial medical appointments that will help you be a happier, heathier you.
5 Crucial Medical Appointments
Two years ago, ‘Avoid COVID’ quickly became everyone’s No. 1 health goal. Now that life is back to normal (well, almost), it’s time to revisit some of those medical appointments that may have gotten pushed to the side. Gateway Hancock Health is here and ready to support you as you take these steps.
Annual Physical
An annual physical is a great place to start to get a look at the big picture of YOU. This thorough, head-to-toe check will help your doctor determine if there are other exams that are urgent for you based on your current state. Bring any questions you have for your doctor to go over together!
It’s recommended to have your teeth checked and cleaned twice a year. Given how few people enjoy the dentist, it wouldn’t be surprising if this appointment is one that you’ve skipped over the last few years (or more). Go ahead and get those pearly whites checked out so that you can avoid more significant issues down the line. Pro-tip: Restart that flossing routine now, so you don’t show up to your dentist with bleeding gums.
Mammogram and Prostate Exam
Take your pick: Mammograms and prostate exams are recommended to help combat some of the most commonly occurring cancers for men and women. If more imaging is needed after your initial exams, Gateway Hancock Health offers MRI and CT imaging at prices that average 70% below what you’ll pay elsewhere.
Dermatological Skin Check
With summer right around the corner and sunny days wooing you into the great outdoors, now is a great time to schedule a full body check with a dermatologist. Their trained eyes will catch anything that’s out of the ordinary and help keep small issues at bay. (Don’t forget your sunscreen and hat when you’re outdoors, as well.) It’s always a good idea to be familiar with your own moles and freckles so if you notice anything shifting you can alert your doctor right away.
Blood Work Labs
Different blood tests can catch a variety of issues. It’s not uncommon for a full blood work-up to be ordered as part of your annual physical. Things like blood glucose, high cholesterol, and STDs are all things that can be checked through blood work. Don’t forget that Gateway Hancock Health offers easy and affordable lab work – whether your doctor is within the Hancock Health Care System, or not!
These five appointments are a starting place for you as you catch up on keeping yourself healthy. If you’d like a more complete picture of what’s recommended for your age group, check out info from Mayo Clinic. Hancock Health is proud to be a Mayo Clinic Care Network member. Look at these recommendations and talk with your doctor about what is appropriate for your care.